🎒πŸ’₯πŸ“± “When Cellphones Take Flight: A Rollercoaster Incident You Won’t Believe!” πŸ€•

TL;DR: Man gets an unexpected (and unwelcome) giftβ€”a flying phone to the headβ€”while on a roller coaster at Ohio’s Cedar Point. Open wound, blood, a potential lawsuit, and some free meals. All aboard for this wild story!

David Carter was just like any other thrill-seeker, chasing adrenaline on the Maverick coaster at Ohio’s Cedar Point amusement park. But instead of a delightful scream-fest, he got a smackβ€”literally. Riding high on a Saturday evening, he found himself hit by a flying cellphone from another rider. πŸ“žπŸ’¨ Question: Who brings a phone on a rollercoaster, folks?

Result? An hour-long bloody ordeal and a diagnosed concussion. It’s not like Cedar Point doesn’t warn against loose articles. They’ve got bins for that. πŸ—‘οΈβœ… But apparently, someone skipped that memo. Carter shared on Facebook, β€œAnother patron on the same train decided to ignore the multiple rules…” Hold up, are we reading this right? Ignoring rules at a place with giant metal contraptions? 😲 What could possibly go wrong?

A bit of a twist, Cedar Point did acknowledge the incident. The guy even got treated at their first aid. But here’s where the story gets juicier. πŸ₯€ Carter, with a face still dripping of his blood and feeling dizzy, was given the cost of his Fast Lane pass back. Not to mention, some free meals. Question: Can a burger πŸ” and fries 🍟 truly make up for a head injury? Especially when he managed just one free meal before park closure.

In a Facebook post, Carter wasn’t thrilled by Cedar Point’s response, even hinting at potential legal action. Either against the park or the phone’s owner. Legal drama alert! 🚨 But then again, as a paramedic, Carter has seen worse. He just wants everyone to play it safe and follow the darn rules. Sound advice? πŸ€”

For context, the Cedar Point “2023 Guest Assistance Guide” clearly states the no-gos: backpacks, purses, electronics, and even cute stuffed animals. 🐻❌ So why did someone think their phone was the exception? Especially on the Maverick, described as more β€œbucking bronco than coaster,” reaching speeds of 70 mph and filled with unexpected turns.

Here’s a thought πŸ’­, maybe next time, let’s all keep the phones where they belongβ€”safe in a bin or pocketβ€”not launching them at unsuspecting riders.

Provoking Question: Are amusement parks doing enough to ensure guest safety, or do we all need a lesson in personal responsibility? And if you were Carter, would you take that free burger or aim for a bigger compensation? πŸ” vs. πŸ’°?