๐Ÿ  Harry & Meghanโ€™s Neighborly Nudge: When Welcoming Waves Crash on Royal Shores ๐ŸŒŠ

TL;DR; An 88-year-old neighbor tries to warm up to the Sussexes with a historical movie gift ๐ŸŽฅ. But, surprise, surprise โ€“ Harry and Meghan’s security weren’t having it. Now, there’s chatter about the Royal couple possibly moving again. The big question: are they just not that into their ‘hood? ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ

Frank McGinity, not just your average Joe, but an 88-year-old US Navy vet, seemed to have faced the royal equivalent of a “seen” message on WhatsApp. He lives, as he delicately puts it, just a โ€œtiaraโ€™s toss or twoโ€ away from Harry and Meghan in the glamorous Montecito neighborhood. Trying to be the cool, old-school neighbor, Frank once rolled up to the Sussexes’ gate with a CD, packed with films he made about the history of Montecito. How neat is that? ๐ŸŽž๏ธ But alas! The security’s response was basically: “Nope, not today, Sir.”

Frank laments, “The gate guy turned me away and wouldnโ€™t take the film, just saying โ€˜theyโ€™re not interested.โ€™” Ouch. He just wanted to share a slice of history with them. It makes you wonder, how often do they play neighborly hopscotch or attend BBQs in the area? ๐Ÿ”

The locale, according to Mr. McGinity, is a tad bit on the senior side, as he chuckles, โ€œItโ€™s where the elephants come to die.โ€ Maybe Harry and Meghan are too youthful for the region? ๐Ÿ˜

But hold on to your hats, folks! Word on the street is that the Sussexes are peeking into other Californian pastures. A little birdie (well, a source) chirped to Express that Malibu might be their next stop. It’s closer to L.A., and let’s face it, a tad trendier. As Meghan is reorienting towards Hollywood, it does make one think, could a new address be on their cards? ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŽฌ

By the way, while we’re spinning the gossip mill here, just for clarity – this isn’t financial advice or any form of recommendation. Always be critical, ask questions, and never take gossip for gospel.

So, dear reader, what do you think? Is Malibu the next royal destination? Or are Harry and Meghan just window shopping? And more importantly, will they find friendlier fences in their next neighborhood? ๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿค”