πŸ’Έ Skims Skyrockets to $4B: Just Kim K Things or A New Fashion Empire? πŸ’°

TL;DR; πŸ’₯ Skims, the brainchild of Kim Kardashian, Emma Grede, and Jens Grede, makes a $4B splash in just 4 years! Last year? A cool $1B less. Rapid growth? You bet!πŸ’₯

Disclaimer: Turnt Up News is here to entertain and inform, but never to advise. Any financial figures or trends mentioned here are strictly for fun and info. No investment advice here! πŸ’Ό

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be on top of the fashion world, and I mean, REALLY on top – then ask Kim K. 4 years. That’s all it took for Skims to hit a valuation of $4 billion. 😱

Now, here’s a little memory jogger for those of you that may have forgotten. Skims entered the game back in 2019. Founded by our very own diva, Kim Kardashian, in collaboration with Emma Grede and Jens Grede. πŸš€

Some rapid math for you: Skims was evaluated at $3.2B at the start of 2022. That’s after it scored $240M in funding. Flashback a year prior, and it was worth half of that – a still impressive $1.6B. πŸ“ˆ Quick question: Who else feels like they’re in the wrong business? 😜

Oh, and a little birdie (ahem, The New York Times) chirped about Skims fetching another whopping $270M in funding. Kim K, breaking barriers or just raking in the moolah? πŸ’Έ

But wait… there’s more! Rumor had it, Kanye West, Kim’s ex-hubby, might have had his fingers in the Skims pie at some point. But hey, that’s just the word on the street. Or is it? πŸ€”

To sum it all up, Skims is not just playing; it’s SLAYING! It’s not just another celebrity brand; it seems to be setting a new standard in the industry.

So, whether you’re team Kim K, team fashion, or just here for the impressive numbers, you’ve got to admit: this brand’s trajectory is kind of bonkers.

Now, here’s a thought to chew on: If Skims has achieved this in just 4 years, where will it be in another 4? And the bigger question: Are we looking at the rise of the next big fashion empire, or is this just peak Kardashian? What do you think? πŸ€¨πŸ’­πŸ‘