πŸ˜²πŸ—‘ Lady Boss of the Iron Age? Mystery Grave Reveals Ancient Female Warrior Vibes! πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ›‘

TL;DR; A 2,000-year-old grave with mixed male and female burial artifacts was likely the resting place of a young, fierce female warrior leader. Tooth enamel analysis did the talking! 🦷✨

Deep in the Isles of Scilly, a grave discovered way back in 1999 has been doing a number on archaeologists’ brains for years. Why? Because it broke all the norms! 🀯 Normally in the Iron Age, a sword in a grave means “Hey, a dude’s here.” And a bronze mirror? “Yup, that’s a lady’s touch.” But this grave was serving both vibes. The audacity! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ—‘

So, who was this person who owned both a sword and a mirror? Sarah Stark, the cool skeletal biologist from Historic England, shared how puzzled everyone was when this grave first made its debut. πŸ˜… But the real gag? Most of the body had left the chat, leaving just a teeny tiny stain and a handful of bones and teeth. 🦴

But science, being the superhero it is, came to the rescue! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ By studying proteins in the dental enamel, a squad of smarty-pants from places like the University of California at Davis and Harvard determined that this warrior was… drumroll, please… a woman! πŸ‘© And not just any woman – a probable warrior leader! Talk about breaking glass ceilings… or should we say, bronze mirrors? πŸ˜‚πŸͺž

Glendon Parker, a professor who knows a lot about toxicology things, dropped some knowledge about tooth enamel. It’s super tough and even beats DNA in the survival game! Their research gave a whopping 96% probability that the individual was female. Slay! πŸ’ƒ

But why did she get the VIP burial treatment? πŸ€” Sarah Stark thinks this badass lady was a pretty big deal. Iron Age Britain was wild! Think “Mad Max” but with more sheep. So being a leading figure in that chaos? Respect! πŸ™Œ

We know other ladies were likely throwing punches and swinging swords too, but what makes this grave pop is the level of importance it suggests. Stark hinted that they might find more ancient warrior queens using these techniques. Can you imagine? πŸ₯³

So, fam, what do you think? 🧐 Were there more female warrior bosses out there we don’t know about? And isn’t it wild how old teeth are dishing out the hottest tea? 🍡

Question to leave you with: If we had the tech to time-travel and interview this ancient lady, what would you ask her? πŸ•°πŸš€πŸ’¬