📜”Old School LOLs: How Your Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandpa Slayed with Medieval Stand-up Comedy”🃏

Medieval parchments are found giggling with laughter, thanks to a scholar who has uncovered ‘stand-up comedy’ scripts dating back centuries. Who knew the Dark Ages had so much humor up its sleeve, right? 😂

Get ready to slide off your chair laughing 🪑. It seems like the jokers of the past were no different than our wisecracking comedians today! Imagine a medieval Jim Carrey, but instead of a green mask, he has a wooden lute. Dr. Wade, the laughter archaeologist, dived into ancient manuscripts and discovered scripts that show our ancestors knew how to crack a joke or two, perhaps while swigging mead 🍺.

So, why the sudden revelation?🕵️‍♂️ Dr. Wade, the man of the hour, was scouring through piles of parchment when he stumbled upon a few that were more ‘Monty Python’ than ‘Magna Carta’. Picturing court jesters doubling as stand-up comedians has certainly added a rib-tickling perspective to the otherwise grim medieval times, hasn’t it? 🎭🃏

Take a look at what the good doc found – humor that wouldn’t be out of place on ‘Saturday Night Live’ or ‘Comedy Central’, albeit with a dash of old-world charm. Imagine this: a jester strumming his lute and waxing hilarious about the ‘plague diet’ or the ‘knight who can’t find his horse’ 🐎. LOL, right? 😂

Wait, what’s that? You’re not rolling on the floor laughing yet? 🤔 Well, we guess comedy has come a long way since the Middle Ages. What’s hilarious to a medieval minstrel might not exactly split your sides today. But it gives us an insight into the minds of our ancestors – they loved a good laugh just like us. 😂

Question for you though, do you think if we had Twitter back then, #MedievalStandUp would be trending? 🐦🤣

And let’s not forget – all this hilarity was discovered amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Just goes to show that humor can be found in the most unexpected places, doesn’t it? 🦠😷

So the next time you’re at a stand-up comedy show, remember you’re partaking in a tradition that spans centuries. From jesters in draughty castles to stand-up comedians in air-conditioned clubs, the show always goes on! 🏰➡️🎙️👏

But the bigger question remains: does this discovery mean that humor hasn’t changed all that much over the centuries, or are we just as easily amused as our ancestors? Is a good joke timeless, or is comedy truly in the eye of the beholder? And, are we all deep down, just medieval jesters wearing jeans and sipping on lattes? We leave you to ponder on that. 💭😉

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