💦🚀Submarine Joyride Goes Ghost in Titanic’s Old Stomping Grounds! Who You Gonna Call? 👻🌊

TL;DR: In a move straight out of a James Cameron flick, a tourist submersible managed to pull a Houdini near the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic. U.S. Coast Guard and the tourism company operating the craft are on a frantic search for the underwater party bus. Just how many thrill-seekers are onboard? Nobody knows. The company’s focus is now on bringing the crew back to terra firma safely.🔎🆘

It was a fine Monday when a submarine, operated by OceanGate Expeditions, decided to go AWOL. We can only imagine the scene: Petty Officer Lourdes Putnam of the Coast Guard flipping through her Monday morning reports, then choking on her coffee. And now, the question on everyone’s lips: Just how many Titanic enthusiasts were on board the submersible that suddenly thought it could play Hide-and-Seek? 🤷‍♂️🤔

OceanGate, known for treating adrenaline junkies to a trip to the seabed to get up-close and personal with shipwrecks and underwater canyons, declared an expedition was “currently underway.” Guess we know which one now, right? 💁‍♀️💭

Following the submarine’s impromptu disappearing act, the company’s focus shifted from being the ultimate underwater Uber, to pulling a successful rescue mission. Because, let’s face it, as cool as it sounds, the bottom of the ocean isn’t really the best place to chill. ❌🐳

In a post-vanishing act statement, the company acknowledged that all their efforts are geared towards making contact with their submarine – the aquatic version of a phone call home, if you will. And trust us, you’d want to phone home if you were stuck two miles below the ocean’s surface. 📞🏠

Okay, time for a quick history class! For the uninitiated, the Titanic took its maiden (and last) voyage from England to New York in April 1912, hitting an iceberg and sinking, causing over 1,500 people to tragically lose their lives. The wreckage was found in 1985, and since then it’s been the underwater version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame – attracting both experts and amateurs alike. 🎬🚢

Now, get this. The CEO of OceanGate has compared their undersea expeditions to the growing space tourism industry. Because, of course, being surrounded by miles of water is the same as floating in the infinite vacuum of space, right? Their tour packages come with a hefty price tag – a cool $250,000 to have tea with the Titanic. 💸🚀

According to the company’s website, these excursions aren’t for the faint-hearted. The eight-day itinerary sets out from St. John’s in Canada to the Titanic wreck site. As for the brave souls who sign up for these underwater adventures, they’re given a safety briefing and a familiarization with the vessel’s safety procedures. Seems legit, right? But here’s a kicker: you don’t need any prior diving experience. The only condition is you should be able to board small boats in active seas. What could possibly go wrong? 😅🌊

So, with all this said and done, here’s a thought to chew on: Should undersea tourism come with more stringent safety measures, especially when it’s literally diving into the deep end of adventure tourism? We’re just asking for…well, a few friends. 😉

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