Brangelina’s Boozy Battle: A Grape-y Drama Settles Down? πŸ‡πŸ·πŸ€”

TL;DR: Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie have chosen to mediate their vineyard vendetta out of court. But will the wine flow smoothly, or will this be another corked chapter in their saga? πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€·

Sip back and relax, folks, because this wine saga just took a twist. Remember when Hollywood’s once-favorite couple, Brad and Angelina (Brangelina for the cool kids) were splashed across the tabloids for their oh-so-vicious vineyard vendetta? Yeah, that same vineyard they acquired in the romantic alleys of Correns, France back in 2008, when love was in the air and wine was probably on their lips. 😘🍷

Now, just to pour you a refresher, Brad argues that our dear Angelina went behind his back, selling her vineyard stake to a Russian oligarch in 2021. Not just any Russian oligarch, mind you, but one with ties to the well-known Stoli Group.😱 Now, isn’t that a tangy twist?

But wait! Didn’t Angelina contribute a cool 40% to the original $28.4 million pot? And wasn’t there some unspoken (or perhaps spoken?) understanding that neither could part with their piece of the vine without a nod from the other? What happened to shaking on it, folks? 🀝

Angelina had her moment in the sun (or should we say, wine cellar?) in July 2021, mentioning an agreement to sell her vineyard interest to an unnamed soul. And Brad? He gave the green light, with one tiny condition: he reserved the right to toast or roast the buyer. πŸ₯‚βœ‹

Fast forward a few wine seasons, and Brad was left, well, gobsmacked. Turns out the mystery buyer was a subsidiary of the vodka-loving Stoli Group, headed by the oligarch Yuri Shefler. Brad, probably sipping a Merlot and mulling things over, decided to take matters to court to uncork this deal.

But plot twist! πŸŒ€ The duo now wants to bring the battle back to the barrel room, choosing mediation over a courtroom showdown.

With the bitter aftertaste of their past feuds, one can’t help but wonder, will this mediation lead to a sweet resolution or leave them with a sour palate?🍷🧐

Here’s a vintage question for you all: Can two mega-stars truly settle their disputes over a vineyard, or is this just another chapter in a never-ending wine tale?πŸ‡πŸ“– What do you think will be the final note in this rich, oaky story of two celebs and their shared passion? πŸ€”πŸŽ¬πŸ·