Yankee Pitcher, Domingo Germán, Checks into Rehab 🍺➡️🏥 – #HealthBeforeGame

TL;DR: Yankees star, Domingo Germán, takes a break from baseball to voluntarily enter treatment for alcohol abuse. 🙏🌟

Domingo Germán, the guy who gave us some baseball magic with the 24th perfect game in MLB history, has now taken a step back from the sport to focus on personal health. 🎯🌈 He’s stepped up in a big way, announcing that he’s diving into an inpatient treatment for alcohol issues. His commitment to recovery has landed him on the Restricted List, ensuring that his primary aim right now is on mending himself. And while it might seem easy to focus on the game stats, the big question is – isn’t self-awareness the real home run here?

Germán recently made the pitch (pun intended 🤣) for New York, and while he was slated to be the star against the Rays, an “armpit discomfort” benched him, but he still came in with a hot five scoreless innings from the side. What’s the deal with “armpit discomfort” anyway? Maybe that’s baseball’s version of “I’ve got a headache”? 🤷‍♂️

Let’s throw some stats your way: Germán showcased his talent with a 4.56 ERA over 20 outings this season, striking lightning with 114 strikeouts in just over 108 innings. And who could forget that legendary perfect game against the Athletics? 🙌⚾️

But, every hero has his Achilles heel. Earlier this year, Germán faced a 10-game suspension due to a little clash with the MLB’s foreign substance policy. Guess nobody’s perfect (except for that game against the Athletics, right? 😉).

Now, in his sixth MLB season, all with the Yankees, this 30-year-old powerhouse is giving the world a lesson in priorities. Speaking of which, with Yankees GM Brian Cashman confirming that Germán won’t be pitching again this season, one has to wonder about the balance between career and personal health. 🤔

And while the baseball world sends its thoughts to Germán, it’s a timely reminder for all of us. In a world of high stakes and immense pressure, are we taking the time to check in with ourselves?

Your turn, readers: If you had the world watching, would you have the guts to prioritize your mental and physical health over your career? 🧐🌍